Introduction and analysis of college advanced electronic circuit courses.
Combined with VLSI IC and other related courses and experience, learn circuit design, simulation and verification skills
[color=#333333][size=14px] Based on the private network wireless communication technology, the organic combination of coal mine automation and dedicated wireless network is realized. The system can ac
[backcolor=rgb(255, 229, 0)][font=Arail, 微软雅黑][b]A good and qualified device package should meet the following conditions: [/b][/font][/backcolor] [font=Arail, 微软雅黑][size=12px]1. The designed pad shou
Please teach me how to implement this program according to the requirements. Thank you very much~ 1. Technical requirements: Press the "1" key (two long), chips A1 and A2 (in working state, the same b
[img]file:///C:\Users\luo\AppData\Roaming\Tencent\Users\644175554\QQ\WinTemp\RichOle\K6S$K7]2O6I)Z2MWV~W@~W7.png[/img] Does the semicolon-like label in the red box mean that this line is a bus?