Introduction and analysis of college advanced electronic circuit courses.
Combined with VLSI IC and other related courses and experience, learn circuit design, simulation and verification skills
I want to use the ADC module to collect the battery voltage, and then use the SCI module to display it in software, but unfortunately I have not been successful. The sampling uses periodic interrupts,
I want to use AM85C30 to implement synchronous communication (SDLC) in WinCE. The problem is that this chip has a 3-byte receive FIFO and no buffer for sending! For example, if I want to use 1Mbps com
In order to balance work and life, someone suggested that I have a hobby. The hobby that piqued my interest was developing FPGA-based video games. Silicon devices, software and solutions are available
Please see the following program: void Show_BMP(unsigned int Width,unsigned int Height) { unsigned long int position; position=0x4d200+0x3e+Width/7+Height*408; ... ... } There is absolutely no syntax
Circuit Function and BenefitsIntegrated devices such as the AD8210 simplify high-side current monitoring by providing a high voltage interface and enabling bidirectional current monitoring across a sh