The previous forum friends have done a lot of basic test experiments on the module, so I will not repeat them. I just want to do a few tests based on my specific project. At present, the power modules
The baud rate is 9600 void UART5_IRQHandler(void) { u8 res; //if(USART_GetFlagStatus(UART5, USART_FLAG_RXNE)!=RESET) if(USART_GetITStatus(UART5, USART_IT_RXNE) != RESET)//Received data interrupt, (the
I was busy with image and music decoding some time ago, so I started to learn LPC1343 two days ago. Today I tried the blinky experiment... It's a good start! :loveliness:
I wanted to display numbers from 000 to 999, but after 99 the number jumps to A0 instead of 100. Could you help me find out what went wrong? Thanks~~~ inc R3 cjne R3,#0aH,check2 mov R3,#00h inc R2 che
Circuit Function and Benefits: The AD5933 and AD5934 are a high precision impedance converter system solution that combines an on-chip programmable frequency generator with a 12-bit, 1 MSPS (AD5933) o
/*********************************************************** Function name: LCD_write_byte Function function: Write a byte of data to 12864 LCD, including instructions or data Entry parameters: RW, RS