SPCON (Special Port Control Register ) bit description is as follows: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ........................................... LCD_SEL [1:0] Select LCD
Abstract : This paper introduces a new PWM output method. It uses 89C51 as the main control part and 8254-2 programmable timer/counter to achieve 1Hz~3kHz step-by-step PWM output. It has the advantage
Hello everyone, I only have one chip select for flash, but the flash is single chip with dual chip selects, how can I implement the driver? Can you give me some ideas?
When reading the code of tinyx (I downloaded xorg-server-1.4), I wanted to understand how it initialized the mouse, keyboard and other devices, and found the following code: void InitInput(int argc, c
I usually use MCU and DSP to control motors, and often use PWM edge alignment mode. I have always been confused about a question: What is the practical significance of PWM edge alignment and center al
Hardware: STM8S003F3 microcontroller, 936 soldering iron handle, K-type thermocouple soldering iron core, 3D printed shell, rotary encoder to set temperature and switch, LCD1602 liquid crystal to disp