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  • MATLAB Arduino (8): Real-time 3D visualization of parallax planar ultrasound sensor data
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  • Duration:7 minutes and 26 seconds
  • Date:2015/09/23
  • Uploader:chenyy
keywords: Arduino MATLAB Training
MATLAB Arduino (1): Arduino UNO and MATLAB in series via USB
MATLAB Arduino (2): Connected and calibrated triaxial accelerometer
MATLAB Arduino (3): Visualization of triaxial accelerometer vector and magnitude data
MATLAB Arduino (4): Real-time noise filtering of three-axis accelerometer data
MATLAB Arduino (5): Real-time detection of three-axis accelerometer signal threshold
MATLAB Arduino (6): Three-axis accelerometer patrol detection based on wireless XBee communication data
MATLAB Arduino (7): Ultrasonic range finder Real-time 3D visualization of data

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