• Duration:20 minutes and 9 seconds
  • Date:2023/10/29
  • Uploader:Lemontree
keywords: PCB layout
      We found that many engineers are not standardized enough in PCB design, from the initial layout of the fan holes to the later rules and wiring. These factors may also affect the performance of the board in the later stage. What we have to do is To reduce the occurrence of this situation, strictly follow the design specifications when designing.

This live broadcast will introduce the entire process of PCB design. From the initial preparation to the calculation of lamination and impedance, design rules, layout and wiring, etc., the key points will be introduced, which can help everyone in PCB design. At this time, we will have a clearer understanding of what we need to do at each stage and how to do it well.

Live broadcast outline:

1. Introduction to PCB design process

2. Explanation of PCB layout specifications

3. Explanation of PCB wiring specifications

4. Specification processing in the later stage of PCB

What are the main knowledge points covered in the course:

1. Preparation before layout, including confirmation of structure, power supply binary tree Analysis, etc.

2. Layout specifications, understanding of impedance and stacking, establishment of classes

3. Explanation of wiring ideas, processing of high-speed signals

4. Inspection of PCB and Gerber files in the later stage
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