The board came back these two days, and I found that the wifi part was missing a wire when I adjusted it. What a tragedy. I was confused when I looked at the quaternion and Euler angle of MPU6050 thes
I would like to ask an expert whether the ML2724 RF transceiver has been obsoleted. My company just bought a batch of them and I am worried that they are obsolete. Thank you very much~
[i=s] This post was last edited by paulhyde on 2014-9-15 08:59 [/i] When we were making an op amp parameter tester, we encountered a problem where the offset voltage was measured accurately, but the o
/******************************************************* Program function: Use the PWM waveform output from P2.3 and P2.4 to drive the LED to flash. The duty cycle of the square wave output from P2.3
[i=s]This post was last edited by dontium on 2015-1-23 11:38[/i] I would like to ask if anyone has used TPA6120A2 to make a headphone amplifier? How does this chip perform? Also, is it okay to modify
As the title says, I bought a second-hand learning board for a cheap price. I want to learn WIFI by myself. If you don't need it, please contact me. Thank you.