//There is a 595 in front of it, so I won’t go into details here
#ifndef __LCD1602_H__#define __LCD1602_H__#include "yiwei595.h"
#define lcden_out P2DIR|=BIT2 #define lcden_in P2DIR=~BIT2 #define lcde
After implementing Linux on Zedboard, we can use Zedboard like other embedded Linux development. SDK provides a standard visual linux-arm cross-compilation chain, and there is no need to build a cross
I remember reading somewhere that when a call comes in, there will be an item in the phone's registry showing the caller ID and name, but I can't remember which key it is now, and I couldn't find it b
1. Serial port 232 chipMAX232cse chip introduction
RS232 interface chip MAX232, SOP package mainly has the following models: MAX232CSE, MAX232ESE. If the suffix letter is "C", it means commercial grad