[color=White][backcolor=seagreen]Seminar time: [/backcolor][/color] November 22, 2017 (this Wednesday) 10:00-11:30 am [color=White][backcolor=seagreen]Seminar topic: [/backcolor][/color] Littelfuse ci
Power amplifiers are usually optimized for ACPR and efficiency at maximum output power, but cellular phones operate in the medium/low power range in most cases, during which the efficiency of the powe
[font=宋体][size=3][b][color=Blue]Overview[/color][/b] Get the latest "10 Things to Know About PCIe" eBook and learn: ● What's new in PCIe Gen4 ● Conformance testing, including calibration, preset testi
How to set the GPIOE multiplexing push-pull output configured as Time1 pin multiplexingso that the initial output is all low level?My current problem is that either 3 high and 1 low or 3 low and 1 hig
I am a novice. When I look at the scia_loopback_interrupt routine, shouldn't the data to be sent be written to SCITXBUF first before the interrupt is triggered? Why is SciaRegs.SCITXBUF = sdataA[i]; i