• Duration:2 minutes and 50 seconds
  • Date:2025/01/12
  • Uploader:MartinFowler
keywords: motor control
In this video, Microchip expert Pramit Nandy explains which BLDC motor control algorithm is the most effective and why one is better than another.
In this video, Microchip expert Pramit Nandy explains the function of encoders and why they are needed in motor control applications.
In this video, Microchip expert Pramit Nandy explains how the different components of BLDC motor speed control work in a field-oriented control (FOC) algorithm.
In this video, Microchip expert Pramit Nandy explains the complexities associated with programming stepper motor controllers and brushless DC motor controllers, and which factors contribute most to the complexity.
In this video, Microchip expert Pramit Nandy explains the advantages of digital control of electric motors compared to traditional analog control.
In this video, Microchip expert Pramit Nandy explains how vehicle electrification is increasing the number of motors in modern cars and the role of motor controllers in electric vehicles (EVs).

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