It introduces the basic operation of the software, schematic design, CAE packaging, LAYOUT PCB design and PADS_ROUTER router. It also introduces quite a few design examples. Everyone is welcome to watch!
The board is abnormal, and garbled characters appear, so I thought of upgrading. (Refer to this: [url][/url]) First, the upgrade operation can be perfo
When IAR is compiling, many files are directly displayed in gray with a cross. Why can't it compile? If you have encountered this problem, please help me:Cry::Cry:
Do a simple survey, use GPRS module as data transmission system, the method used by everyone is: 1. Use the protocol stack that comes with the GPRS module 2. Transplant a TCP/IP protocol stack, such a
CC2530 general purpose I/O interrupt
After the general I/O pin is set as an input, it can generate an interrupt. The interrupt can be set to be triggered by the rising or falling edge of the external
Last night, my electric car charger exploded with a bang while charging. I took it apart and found a component marked F1 that exploded. I would like to ask you, what is this component? (There is a pic