Making of a Rotating Mousetrap

Source: InternetPublisher:super_star Keywords: Mousetrap infrared Updated: 2024/10/28

Making of a Rotating Mousetrap

The rotating mousetrap I designed and made allows mice to enter from three doors and multiple directions. It uses infrared detection, is clean and sanitary, and has high mouse catching efficiency. It is introduced as follows:

1. Features

1. The rotating mousetrap lures mice in from three directions. Since the captured mice are non-toxic and alive, they are not as hard to detect and find as the dead mice that are killed with drugs. The decay and pollution will not cause poisoning to humans and livestock. They will not be eaten by cats and other animals and cause chain poisoning. Moreover, the captured live mice can be used for mink breeding and other purposes.

2. Leave no traces of smell. Can catch mice continuously. We know that mouse traps and high-pressure rat deratization will leave a smell of blood. It will prevent mice from being fooled for a long time. And this smell is difficult to remove even by water or fire. After the rotary mousetrap traps mice, it will not hurt them, but lead them out of the box and kill them.

3. Safe and convenient. Can be used with AC or DC.

2. Working Principle

Making of a Rotating Mousetrap

After the circuit works normally, the photodiode D1 receives infrared light and conducts, making Q1 to Q4 in the off state at the same time, and the relay does not attract. When the mouse enters the mousetrap, its body blocks the infrared light, the reverse resistance of D1 increases, Q1 is immediately turned on, and the transistors in the latter two circuits are also saturated and turned on, and the relay is attracted. After the electromagnet is energized, it pulls the hook of the revolving door open. The three entrance doors of the mousetrap are closed at the same time. The alarm circuit sounds an alarm. At the same time, the revolving door that is closed in place touches the K1 micro switch in time, cutting off the power supply to the electromagnet. To avoid burning the electromagnet coil for too long.

The infrared transmitter uses a discarded TV remote control. Cut off the circuit board of the key part (to reduce the volume). Then short-circuit any key with a wire to make it emit continuously. The disc spring used in the revolving door is a substitute for the spring in the washing machine timer. The 12V electromagnet is wound with a small E-shaped iron core, and the suction force is enough to pull open the hook of the revolving door.

The debugging of the circuit board needs to be carried out after the distance between the transmitting and receiving diodes is determined, and the W adjustable resistor is adjusted.

Make the relay static when there is no shielding, and then close it immediately after shielding the infrared light.

3. Production and Use

When using, you should first turn on the power switch, then open the revolving door and put some food in the mousetrap.

To lure the mouse in. After catching the mouse, turn off the power. Then place the plastic bag at the mouse catching door. Pull open the door. Wait until the mouse runs into the bag.





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