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Working principle and truth table of JK flip-flop

Source: InternetPublisher:newlandmark Keywords: Truth table flip-flop Updated: 2025/01/10

The JK flip-flop is a flip-flop that can be set, reset, and toggled. It can be used to make counters, event detectors, frequency dividers, and more.

In this tutorial, you will learn how it works, its truth table, and how to build one using logic gates.

JK flip-flop symbolJK flip-flop symbol

What is a JK flip-flop?

Flip-flops are components that can store digital values ​​on their outputs. They have a clock input (Clk) that determines when the output state can be changed.

Contrary to what you might think, JK

The two inputs of the Flip-Flop, "J" and "K", are not abbreviations of the pins' functions (as is the case with the SR latch). Their inventor, Jack Kilby (JK), chose them to distinguish his flip-flop design from other types of flip-flops.

You can see a basic implementation of this circuit below. It is based on an SR latch, built with NAND gates:

JK flip-flop basic NAND circuitJK flip-flop basic circuit

The J and K inputs of a JK flip-flop can be used to set, reset, or toggle the output as follows:

J=1 and K=0 sets the output to 1

J=0 and K=1 reset the output to 0

J=1 and K=1 switch output

But for a flip-flop to make any changes, its clock input must be 1. Look at the truth table below:

Clock JKQ Description

0XXQClk in 0 Q None


100Q Memory

(No change)

1101 Settings

1010 Reset

111 Questions Switch

JK Flip-Flop Truth Table

Another way to implement the basic JK flip-flop circuit is to use two AND gates and two NOR gates as shown below (it works exactly the same as if built using NAND gates):

JK circuit with AND and NOR gates

Racing Problems

In principle, the basic implementation above works, but there will be timing problems. When the clock is at "1" and you want to toggle the output, it will toggle between "1" and "0" very quickly until the clock goes back to "0". This problem is called a race condition.

You can fix this by making the trigger pulse triggered or edge triggered.

Pulse triggered JK flip-flop

Below is a pulse-triggered JK flip-flop based on the master-slave principle:

Master and Slave JK Flip FlopsMaster-slave circuit

As you can see, to build this configuration you need a basic JK flip-flop circuit connected together with an SR flip-flop.

To understand how this version works, take a look at the timing diagram below:

Timing diagram of master-slave setup

Once the clock generates a rising edge↑, that is, from 0 to 1 (0→1

), it triggers the master part. As a result, the value of the output in this part changes. These signals are connected to the slave part, but this does not trigger on the rising edge because the clock is already inverted.

Once the clock signal generates a falling edge↓, changing from 1 to 0 (1→0), it triggers the slave part, causing the Q output to reflect the output value of the master.

Therefore, this circuit requires a complete pulse (0 → 1 → 0) to change the output. This is why this configuration is called a pulse-triggered JK flip-flop.


Edge-triggered JK flip-flop

Unlike master-slave designs that require a complete pulse, you can also build edge-triggered designs that trigger from a rising edge↑ or a falling edge↓.

The following is the timing diagram for rising edge triggering:

Edge Trigger Timing Diagram

The diagram above shows how this circuit only requires a rising edge on the Clk input to change the state of output Q. It will only change on rising edges.


To build a JK flip-flop that is triggered only by rising-edge signals, you can use a rising-edge-triggered D flip-flop, a NOT gate, and a NAND gate as follows:

Edge-triggered JK flip-flop circuit

Edge-triggered JK flip-flop circuit




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