simple power amplifier
Source: InternetPublisher:偷熊计划 Keywords: Power amplifier high power BSP radiator Updated: 2020/05/10
The high-power module has only five pins. The internal output tube uses a complementary high-power field effect tube without any
external It has high output power, good linearity, wide frequency response and low distortion, especially for large The dynamic signal response
is fast, so it has been widely used in mid-level and primary audio production.
The pin arrangement and application circuit of 9Fool 175 are shown in Figure 3-17. 9Fool 1 75 itself also has a heat sink
, which is
insulated from the internal circuit. , but a radiator must still be added during work . The size of the radiator should be no less than 250mm×120mm×2mm. The recommended operating voltage for application
is ±22V. When using an 8fl load, the rated output power is 35W and the maximum power is 75w. At this time, the listening experience is the
best and it sounds quite like a tube amplifier. Although there are no external components, the quality of the power supply is good.
The quantity must be high, and the filter electrolytic capacitor should be no less than 10000V:F. The 0.22ruF CBB capacitor connected in parallel
is beneficial to improving the high-frequency response of the power amplifier. When working in dual channels, the power transformer should be 200W, and the secondary output It is 2×18V.
It would be better if a toroidal transformer is used. A Dual-mono structure is used during production. The power supply part is shared. Two fools 1 7 5 are used to
amplify the left and right channels respectively. The printed board is designed as an integral structure and requires the use of epoxy boards. The rectifier diode
can be 3A~SA.
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