Home > Control Circuits >Motor Control > Single phase motor dual winding drive

Single phase motor dual winding drive

Source: InternetPublisher:红水杯 Keywords: Motor winding BSP Updated: 2020/09/07

1. Single-phase<strong>motor</strong>double<strong>winding</strong> drive.gif

The two-channel output of the open-circuit current collector
has an open-circuit withstand voltage of 60V, a continuous conduction current of 0.3A, a typical conduction voltage drop
of 0.4V, and a peak current of 䉉9A. It can directly drive two windings and easily form
a single-phase brushless DC motor with minimal external components, low cost, and a single-chip circuit
    . The output Q (pin 2) and Bianstone (pin 3) are complementary. When
the magnetic induction intensity sensed by the internal Hall generator exceeds the action value BOP, Q becomes low level
, and Bianstone changes to high level after about ws delay. On the contrary, after the polarity of the magnetic induction intensity returns to the BRP value, Q
becomes high level and Bianstone becomes low level . Since there is a temperature compensation circuit inside the circuit,
the switching point can be kept stable within the operating temperature range of -20 to +80'C. The power supply voltage of this circuit
is "5-14V. When T^10z5'c, Bc)p=..0025~0.025T.
BRP-11..025-0.0025T, BHYs≥O.OIT.
    Application circuit example , VD, VD, and S. form a freewheeling circuit of two windings and
clamp the peak induced electromotive force to protect the output transistor of the LC.
    When using this circuit, it should be noted that when the motor starts, the maximum starting The current
(determined by the motor power supply voltage and winding resistance) should not exceed
the maximum allowable current value of this IC.




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