Radio remote control light switch circuit
Source: InternetPublisher:aerobotics Keywords: Switch circuit radio remote control remote control light BSP Updated: 2020/04/05
It is a simple and practical radio remote control light switch. Press the transmitter button and the light will turn on;
press it again and the light will go off. Very easy to use.
The remote control switch is composed of two parts: a radio transmitter and a receiver. In the middle, the radio
transmitter is on the left and the radio receiver is on the right. The transmitter only uses a miniature radio transmitting module A1, and
the receiver is composed of a miniature £ wire receiving module A2, a decimal counting/distributor digital integrated circuit A3 and a thyristor
switching circuit .
VD7, vs, c in the receiver. , (1. Og R., etc. form a simple capacitor step-down -1' cross-current voltage stabilizing circuit. After power on, it outputs 5V DC voltage for the use of the entire circuit. The odd output terminals Ql, Q3, Q_,
of A3
, Q9 is connected to the left end of the resistor R through the diode VD?-VD6. When any
one of the S odd output terminals outputs a high level, this high level R is added to the base of VTl WJ. It turns on the thyristor
VTH through VT1 and R. It gets the k-direction trigger current and turns it on, and the lamp E is lit. The even
output all suspended. (:, It constitutes a switch J.r_electrical reset circuit.
When power is turned on, the R terminal of A3 receives a positive pulse, and the counter A3 is reset. The Qn output terminal is at low level, and the other output terminals
are all low level. VT1 is cut off. VTH When the light is on, the light E is on.
AJ and A2 are paired miniature radio transmitter and receiver modules. Normally, the ② pin of A2 outputs a high level.
When pressing SB, the @ pin of AZ outputs a high level.} Release the SB pin. The ② pin of A2 returns to the level,
so every time the ② pin of A2 is connected to SBt, the ^-ten counting pulse is sent to the Cr pin of A3 through vD1, and
A3 performs counting. The ten output terminals of A3 Qo - Q9 outputs high power. From the above analysis,
it can be seen if the switch s[+ is pressed repeatedly, the even output terminal group and the odd output terminal of A3 will take turns to output high voltage. level
and low level. When one of the output terminals of the odd-numbered axis appears at high level, the lamp is lit; when one of the output terminals of the even-numbered axis
appears at high level, the VTH solid state triggers the power. When the alternating current is too high, the light turns off,
so pressing the transmit button can "lightly control the light F to turn off."
The ferret-type radio transmitting and receiving modules RCM-IA and kCM of Al and A2 military equipment -iB, As is
the CU4 017 type ten-circuit control i1 controller, and the distributor is equipped with an integrated circuit. The VTH uses a plastic-encapsulated small-scale gate arm, known as
MAC91A4 type, etc. (IA-rIOOV), which can control white bulbs below iOfiW.' It is required to use CHfi
400V type polyurethane capacitors. There are no special requirements for other components, only small size and reliable quality.
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