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Solar water heater water automatic control circuit diagram

Source: InternetPublisher:傻阿乐 Keywords: Solar water heater circuit diagram WIDTH solenoid valve Updated: 2020/05/31

The solar water heater basket is manually filled with water. In order to prevent overflow, someone must keep watch, which is very troublesome. The automatic control circuit designed by the authoruses the TV AC shutdown switch as the core component. It has a simple structure, is easy to make, is low-cost, safe and reliable. See picture for principle. In the picture, DF is the water inlet solenoid valve of the fully automatic washing machine , and the coils DL and K arethe AC power switch ofthe color TVTransformer T, Dl, D2, and C form a full-wave rectifier circuit to providepower for the control circuit. Q1 and Q2 form a composite tube, which not only improves the power, but also increases the amplification factor. The two ends of A and B are connected with two-core wires as electrodes. The two-core wires extend from the overflow pipe into the vicinity of the overflow port of the water tank. When it is necessary to fill the water, press the self-locking switch K, 0F will turn on the power to fill the water. The water filling indicator LED will light up, and at this time, Q1 and Q2 will be cut off. When water overflows, point A is connected to point B through the water, Q1 and Q2 are turned on, coil DL in K is energized, K is unlocked and reset, the entire circuit is automatically powered off, and the water supply is completed. This avoids the trouble of manual waiting. The water inlet solenoid valve is connected in parallel with the original water supply valve to facilitate manual water supply during a power outage.

<strong><strong><strong>Solar water heater</strong></strong></strong>Water supply automatic control<strong><strong><strong>Circuit diagram</strong></strong></strong>.jpg





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