DAC0832 single-bipolar voltage output interface circuit
Source: InternetPublisher:ohahaha Keywords: Interface circuit DAC0832 voltage output BSP Updated: 2020/07/22
DAC0832 is a D/A conversion chip with two input registers that can be directly connected to the computer bus. Its main performance is as follows:
resolution is 8 bits; single power supply (5-15v) i logic input level is compatible with TTL level.
The D/A converter output circuit is divided into two types: current output and voltage output. The voltage output fork is divided into two types: unipolar and bipolar. Figure 27-11 shows the interface circuit of
DAC0832 unipolar/bipolar voltage output .
In the figure, the data input terminal of DAC0832 is connected to the data bus of the computer system. The XFER and WR2 control signals are all connected to ground, and ILE is connected to
high level. When 1-z of short-circuit column KB is short-circuited. It is a unipolar voltage (O—lOV DC) output; when 1-4 and 2-3 of KB are short-circuited, it is a bipolar
(-10V—O—+10V DC) output.
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