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Cut-off tube control charging delay circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:3228 Keywords: Delay circuit BSP Updated: 2020/10/03

5. Cut-off tube<strong>control</strong>rechargeable<strong>delay circuit</strong>.gif

Cut-off tube control charging delay circuit

Under normal circumstances, when there is no signal input, the transistor VTi is cut off. VTz is turned on and U is output. is low potential. When U. ,
when the signal voltage turns VTi on, VTz turns off and Us is output. is a high potential. When the Ua signal disappears, VTi is cut off,
VTz is turned on, and U. . Returns to low potential again. From U. , the signal appears to U;. The time interval between changing to high potential is the delay
time of the circuit. £ can be calculated according to the following formula:
    z =RCln poison (s)
where U MN - voltage regulator tube vs changes from conduction to cut-off, the voltage between M and N, V.
    When UMW/E. When -0.37, t-RC, the time characteristics are relatively stable, and the longest delay t can be obtained. . . .




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