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Homemade corridor lighting with automatic delay control

Source: InternetPublisher:黄土马家 Keywords: Delay control Updated: 2024/09/25

Ordinary corridor lighting is usually turned on from one end and turned off from the other end. It requires pressing the switch twice. Now we design a circuit that only presses the switch once, and the light will automatically turn off after a delay, as shown in the attached figure.

When the circuit is powered on, the 555B inch-based oscillator starts to oscillate, and CC40161 is reset by the integration circuit composed of R3 and C5, and enters the counting state. Relay JK is energized and energized, JK1 is closed, the lighting lamp L is lit, and at the same time, the normally closed contact of JK2 is disconnected.

The Ep terminal of CC40161 becomes high level. The output pulse of NE555 (3) pin triggers the CP terminal of CC40161 to make the counter count according to the 555 oscillator frequency, and the Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4 of CC40161 change from low to high level in turn. When Q4 becomes high level, transistor VT1 is turned on, VT2 is turned off, and relay JK is released. JK1 is reset and disconnected, and the light bulb goes out; at the same time, the normally closed point of JK2 is reset and closed, making the EP terminal become low level. CC4016 cannot count, and the light bulb goes out.

When the light bulb needs to be lit, press S1 or S2 (installed in two different positions, only one switch needs to be pressed during operation) to discharge capacitor C5, and the Cr terminal becomes low level to reset the counter, making the Q4 terminal low level, VT1 cut off, and VT2 turned on, relay JK is re-engaged, and the light bulb lights up again.

According to the values ​​of the components in the attached figure, the light bulb will be turned off after a delay of 5-6 minutes. If the time is not enough, the capacitor C3 can be appropriately increased; if the time is too long, RP can be adjusted. Just change the oscillation frequency. If you want to keep the light bulb on, press the switch SB.





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