Several trigger circuits using resistor-capacitor phase shifting f
Source: InternetPublisher:JFET Keywords: Trigger circuit resistor-capacitor phase shift BSP Updated: 2020/01/30
The trigger circuit introduced above for unidirectional thyristors is also applicable to bidirectional thyristors. Also listed below are some for bidirectional
circuits as shown in Figure 16-28. Figure 16-28 (a) and (b) are direct trigger circuits; Figure 16-28 (c) is a trigger circuit using a
bidirectional trigger diode; Figure 16-28 (d) is a trigger circuit using two light-emitting diodes connected in reverse parallel Trigger circuit; Figure
16-28 (e) is a trigger circuit using neon bulbs; Figure 16-28 (f) is a trigger circuit using two NPN diodes (such as 3DG6, etc.)
; Figure 16-28 (g) is a trigger circuit using The trigger circuit of two diodes connected in reverse parallel; Figure 16-28 (h) is the trigger circuit
a triode instead of the bidirectional trigger diode ; Figure 16-28 (1) is
the trigger circuit circuit.
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