Linux multi-threading technology, one of the commonly used technologies in embedded development, makes better use of resources and makes your program respond faster. In the multi-core era, it allows you to achieve true parallelism.
The EZRadioPro series of RF chips (Si4438, Si446x, Si4463) launched by Silicon Labs are widely used in the Internet of Things, smart home and electric meter markets due to their low power consumption
This is the merchant’s store: whole incident——The buyer said: I bought a pair of shoes from a store before the New Year. I received two shoes of the same size, but t
MP28GA stepper motor speed control problem? I am a beginner in single chip microcomputer. I have achieved the rotation, but I have a problem with the speed display. I can't calculate the speed?
I am currently using Xilinx IP cores to implement CORDIC simulation. The simulation platform I use is ISE10.1 and the chip I choose is Virtex-4 SX55T. Below is my program and test program: module My_A