WS2812 and compatible RGB colored lights are now being used more and more, because it only requires one data line, can be cascaded, is easy to drive, and has gorgeous effects.In MakeCode, it is very e
We live in urban office buildings and take elevators home every day. When we make calls on our mobile phones, the signal is always lost?
We all know about loss. Metal shielding cannot receive signals.
I have changed several operating systems and IAR versions, but the MSP430F169 development board still cannot be debugged online. I hope you can help me. Thank you very much. :Cry::Cry::Cry: The pictur
Please ask the moderator and all the masters,
In [LSM6DSOX Finite State Machine Routine Learning Three] Vertical Flip (Flip Down) , there are the following instructions:
To measure the resistance, use the circuit diagram in the previous post. Connect T7 and T8 to a 10K NTC resistor. Set the MCU to AIN7 input and turn on the IEXC excitation source. The excitation curre
I went back to school on the seventh day of the lunar month. I participated in the International Mathematical Modeling Contest. After more than ten days of delay, I finally got to play with my 430. I