1. Test environment: VS2015
2. The test code is as follows:
char *pweb_namec = "C语言中文";printf("C语言中文的 内存形式:");
printf("char2 hex1:%#x", (unsigned char)*pweb_namec++);//0x43
printf("char2 hex2:%#x", (u
MSP430FR2633 is convenient to use with CapTIvateDesignCenter! 1. Hardware2. ConfigurationNothing to say, just look at the picture and you can use CapTIvate [b][color=#5E7384]This content is created by
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Digital oscilloscope design document written by teacher "田中坤", goodBased on the hardware resources of Mini51 board, I have been thinking about the scheme of digital oscilloscope for a long time, but I