Knowing that 28335 will be the best choice to replace 2812, would you like to learn it first? Now there is a low-priced and fully functional 28335 development board?
I would like to ask what is the status of each register after the MSP430 microcontroller is reset? If it is in the datasheet or user's guide, please take a screenshot. Thank you :) :)
Today I attended the TI Hercules and M4 seminar. Since I attended the M4 seminar last time, I was scheduled to attend the Hercules seminar this time. Hercules keyword: safety. It is mainly used in med
When I added the T9IME input method to my previous system, the following error occurred when I compiled it: BUILD: [01:0000001021:ERRORE] NMAKE : U1073: don't know how to make 'INCLUDES=' BUILD: [01:0
lpc1500 experience + NXP LPC1549 @ eeworld (Ten) ADC lpc1549 also has 2 ADCs, each with 12 channels.The routine is ADC0 reads the internal temperature, ADC1 reads ADC1 modify the channel to ADC0_0 ///