This video uses the Zhengdian Atomic Apollo STM32F767 development board as the platform. It will lead you to learn the various functions of STM32F767 from the simple to the deep, and start a new STM32 journey for you.
I bought an EG8010 driver board. The overcurrent protection is not normal. The tube explodes due to overcurrent and short circuit. The sampling resistance is 0.01. I copied down the comparator part. T
This paper introduces the main features and performance of the SD2000 series chip, analyzes the structural principle, timing logic and working mode of the chip, and provides the most basic interface w
;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------; int SetRTCYEAR(int year); year will be set in the RTCYEAR register; return value is read back from the RTCYEAR registe
I postponed this for some time due to personal reasons, and I apologize to all the forum members.We know that the combination of bidirectional DC converters can form a four-quadrant DC converter, and
Author: Zhang Gong (Jingyuan Technology)
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The interior of the optocoupler is composed of a light-emitting