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  • Input and output characteristics of sensors (2)
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  • Duration:22 minutes and 23 seconds
  • Date:2019/08/11
  • Uploader:JFET
This course uses "one main line, two foundations, three key points, and multiple independent modules" as the "sensor technology and application" course structure system, and guides students to actively participate in the learning and design of sensors in a purposeful and targeted manner. to establish the basic teaching guiding ideology of the course. In terms of content, it focuses on the basic knowledge of sensor theory and the introduction of sensor structure composition, design ideas, error compensation and application characteristics; focuses on the introduction of typical, conventional sensors and new sensor technologies that have emerged in recent years; focuses on the application of defense industry and general Introduction to sensors used in industrial fields. In terms of technology, years of discipline construction results, scientific research results, and industry-university-research cooperation results are integrated into the course teaching; at the same time, many elements of course teaching are regularly communicated with front-line engineering and technical personnel, technical R&D personnel, and technical management personnel. Suggestions and opinions are provided to provide students with a rich technical platform for learning courses so that they can learn "openly, innovatively, comprehensively and proactively". In terms of humanities, it emphasizes teachers’ active investment, academic level, achievements in sensing technology, and their sense of pride and honor in contributing to national and national defense construction to inspire students and stimulate their enthusiasm for learning; it is conducive to their subjective It forms the courage to overcome difficulties and a positive academic philosophy. At the same time, we should understand and grasp students' real learning dynamics in a timely manner so that students can avoid "principled errors" in the course learning process.
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