Problem: Development board android4.0, video communication cannot be performed after installing QQ Solution: QQ uses the front camera by default. You need to configure the 200w camera in the kernel an
SW-LM3S-8264软件包已支持中文显示,在DK-LM3S9B96上实验例程,StellarisWare\third_party\fonts\lang_demoThe lang_demo example application has been updated to include support for accented characters
in German and Spanish st
There are many tools for converting USB to CAN. The cheapest ones are as low as tens of yuan on Taobao, and the more expensive ones are only worth a few dollars. There are many open source ones, so I
Does anyone have detailed information about x-ctu? I have an XBEE module, a DIGI one, and how do I configure it into a network? Can there only be 1 master and multiple slaves, that is, 1 COORDINATOR a
In what situations are the following multiple modes used? Can you discuss it? And now I need the microcontroller pin to output high and low levels to control the on and off of the MOS tube, but I don’