Explain complex switching power supply knowledge in a simple and easy-to-understand manner, use simulation methods to assist teaching, and teach you step by step how to develop practical switching power supplies.
I have searched for several online, and this one is quite unique. It can customize the string to be sent, up to 32 strings. Click the number on the right of the string to send the defined string. It c
My platform is PXA270+Wince5.0. I have a small problem. Please help me. After the system is started, if it is not used for a period of time, the backlight will automatically turn off, and after a peri
[STM32F429Discovery Oscilloscope DIY]-Charge and discharge DIY A note, please pay attention: I DIYed a battery power supply before. The specific post is here: [url]https://en.eeworld.com/bbs/thread-45
Hello everyone, I am working on an embedded linux jffs2 file system, but I have a question that I don't understand. I use mkfs.jffs2 -d /floder -o file.img. What is this floder? Any file, if it is an