[i=s]This post was last edited by 1nnocent on 2022-7-14 22:23[/i]I have been learning about Xilinx's FPGA development board recently. I happened to see that EE had an FPGA development board review, so
Without further ado, let me post the program first:
//Using 12M crystal oscillator
#include reg52.h #define uchar unsigned char
sbit led=P3^3; void delay_560us()//delay 560us {#pragma asmMOV R7,#7 L1:
As shown in the figure, there are usually many 0.1uF non-electrolytic capacitors and 10uF electrolytic capacitors between the DC power supply and the ground on the development board. May I ask: 1. Are
[Atmel SAM R21 Creative Competition Work Submission] + ZLL Lighting Control System Based on Zigbee (Supplement) 1. System Composition As shown in Figure 1, In the ZLL lighting control system based on
[color=#FF0000] "After the Demo program is compiled by Keil701, the code size is 7-8K, and it can be directly simulated and run on KeilC51. Usage: After decompression, double-click the yy project, cli