[i=s]This post was last edited by jameswangsynnex on 2015-3-3 20:00[/i]:victory: The announcement of bus stops, the laughter of children's toys and the voice alarm sound are all related to speech synt
I use the serial port 0 and 1 of the W77E58 microcontroller with timer 2 and timer 1 as the baud rate generator. At first, the baud rates of serial port 0 and 1 are both 9600. Then I want to adjust th
[size=3]First, select the signal layer (Signal Layers) in Design/Option/Layers, generally select the bottom layer and the top layer, then execute the menu command Design/Rules, and the DesignRules dia
RS-485 serial interface standard1. Balanced transmissionRS-485 data signals adopt differential transmission, also known as balanced transmission. It uses a pair of twisted pairs, one of which is defin