When using a buck circuit to step down the voltage, add a load at the output end. Why does the output voltage change with the load resistance? How can I make the output voltage stable? I would like so
The following figure is a window comparator. Vref is variable from 0 to 5V. The voltage on R2 is guaranteed by an external adder to be always 100mV higher than Vref. Theoretically, when Vref is a cert
Since its launch, Foundrybook ([url=http://www.foundrybook.com]http://www.foundrybook.com[/url]) has received support from many friends from SMIC (SMIC) and Charterred (Chartered Semiconductor). We st
The C program I wrote works in 16F877, but it doesn't work in 12F615. The analog-to-digital converter doesn't work. I set ANSEL and ADCON0, but it still doesn't work. Please help.