Fluke 27-II Industrial Multimeter
The new Fluke 27 II Digital Multimeter sets a new standard for making measurements in difficult situations, with superior functionality and accuracy to easily solve m
SensorTile.Box becomes bricked after firmware upgrade
I received the sensorTile.Box 2 weeks ago. When I first received it, I installed ST BLESENSOR4.6.3 . The Bluetooth connection was normal. It promp
Is there any relationship between the crystal oscillator (usually 26MHz) on the wireless module CC2500 and the crystal oscillator on the controller (MCU) I want to choose? Can the crystal oscillator o
I wrote a simple C program to find the positive rotation value:#include#define NX 180#define pi 3.14159short i;double x[NX];double r[NX];void main(void){for(i=0;i
{x =pi*i/180;r =sin(x );}return;}I ad
Regarding the window comparator on the left side of the picture, Professor Hua said it is equivalent to the AND gate in digital electronics; however, there are a few places that I don’t understand. He