[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ExtModems\XXX] "FriendlyName"="XXX(COMX)" "DeviceType"=dword:00000001 "Port"="COMX:" The first configuration is as follows [code] "1"="AT""2"="ATE0V1"
Reprinted from: deyisupport [align=left][color=#000]Today's position sensing technology is not only very reliable, low cost, but also easy to implement. What does it take? A 3-pin device and a small p
1 Introduction At present, the number of portable devices such as mobile phones, laptops, wireless drills, digital cameras, MP3 players, etc. is increasing day by day, and there are many kinds of them
I want to connect a printer with a development board, but I don't know how to write a driver. I found the source code for printing on the Internet. I always thought that serial printers didn't need dr
After the September 1, 2001 incident, the United States launched the Container Security Initiative (CSI) and the Smart Security Trade Route (SST). One of the main contents of CSI is to design and use