I use 2440, wince4.2, the application is written and functions normally, and it also has a 4×4 keyboard (the keyboard is also debugged). Now the application is launched through the touch screen, and n
This is the stm32f2xx_RTC.c that comes with the library. Single-step simulation found that tmpreg = 0x00170800. The calculated date is August 0, 2017. The correct date is July 31st. The other times, h
Could you please help me check if there is any problem with the schematic diagram? I can run the RT-Thread network program normally on the development board, but it does not work when I get it to the
Looking for a single-cell lithium battery (3.7V) protection chipLooking for a single-cell lithium battery (3.7V) protection chip, package SOT23, cannot be larger than this package.Over-discharge prote
[size=3]Why does it fail when initializing DS18B20! [/size] [size=3][img=332,104]
Freescale i.mx51 QQ group software and hardware development design QQ group: 43885219. i.mx51 development board data sharing within the group. i.mx51 schlib, schematic, pcblib, footprint sharing. Free