Does anyone have the schematic diagram PDF of the minimum system board for STM32F103VET6? Please send me an email to [email][/email] I would be grateful.
[align=left]Introduction to MSP430 MCU Debug Interface[/align][align=left]The MSP430F1, F2, and F4 series products use a 4-wire JTAG interface. That is, TMS (mode selection), TCK (JTAG clock signal),
[*]MS320C28x 32-Bit CPU[list]
[*]120 MHz
[*]IEEE 754 Single-Precision Floating-Point Unit (FPU)
[*]Trigonometric Math Unit (TMU)
[*]Programmable Control Law Accelerator (CLA)[list]
I was a little shocked when I saw this news. If that happens, Chinese engineers will be under great pressure. Reposted from Community, Tencent News also has it. Here is the full text: From t
MSP430 interrupt priority, on/off, and interrupt nestingThe priority order from high to low is:PORT2_VECTOR (1 * 2u) /* 0xFFE2 Port 2 */PORT1_VECTOR (4 * 2u) /* 0xFFE8 Port 1 */TIMERA1_VECTOR (5 * 2u)
[align=center][/align] [size=3][color=#000][font=微軟正黑体, Arial,] In the hot summer, Texas Instruments (TI) will hold the "Audio and Haptic Vibration Technology Innovation Seminar" in Shanghai, Beijing,