Hardware support: 1. An Arduino Uno R32. An MF RC522 contactless RF receiver module + RF card3. A 5v electronic relaySoftware tools: IDE (arduino-1.0.5-r2)Hardware connection: RC522 working voltage 3.
I am porting UCOSII to my STC MCU and found an example:There is a section in the example:EXTRN IDATA (OSTCBCur)EXTRN IDATA (OSTCBHighRdy)EXTRN IDATA (OSRunning)EXTRN IDATA (OSPrioCur)EXTRN IDATA (OSPr
Bit and bit operation instructionsThrough the examples of running lights, we have become accustomed to "bits". One bit is the on and off of a light, but the instructions we have learned are all introd
Test the low power mode of its ZIGBEE protocol stack. TI has indeed spent a lot of effort on this protocol stack and the operating system OSAL that supports it. It is very easy to use. After making a
We hope that friends who have some knowledge of a certain field and are willing to contribute to the competition can join our camp. In order to better prepare for the students preparing for the compet