• Duration:19 minutes and 19 seconds
  • Date:2023/10/28
  • Uploader:Lemontree
keywords: radio frequency antenna
Phased array antenna refers to an antenna that changes the pattern shape by controlling the feed phase of the radiating units in the array antenna. It is an area array composed of a large number of identical radiating units. Each radiating unit is independently wave-controlled in phase and amplitude. and phase shifter control to obtain accurate and predictable radiation patterns for beam control and scanning. Phased array is mainly composed of three parts: antenna array element, wave control network and power divider. Its technology involves radio frequency transceiver system, amplifier, filter, phase shifter, power divider, antenna design, micro-assembly process, etc. Therefore, , phased array design technology can be called the "ceiling-level" technology in the microwave field.

1. Phased array principle and core technology;

2. Wave control network (TR component) architecture and core technology;

3. Phased array element type, structure and design technology;

4. Phased array antenna assembly process.
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