• Duration:1 minutes and 6 seconds
  • Date:2025/01/31
  • Uploader:Lemontree
keywords: BROAD SPEND
The AMBA training videos provide an overview of AMBA and its different specifications. They are useful to any developers designing, verifying, or integrating AMBA into SoCs and IP. Starting with AMBA AXI, the videos present the key protocol concepts so partners can better navigate and understand the AMBA specifications.

So, if you are new to AMBA or need to refresh on some of the key concepts, we have released the following introductory videos for AMBA and AMBA AXI:

What is AMBA, and why use it?
Evolution of the AMBA Specifications
The AXI Protocol
AXI's Main Features
AXI Channels
The AXI Protocol in multi-master system design
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