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  • Simplification of the block diagram model
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  • Duration:46 minutes and 0 seconds
  • Date:2024/10/27
  • Uploader:桂花蒸
keywords: computer control

This course systematically introduces the MATLAB language, which is the most widely used in the international control community, and its application in control system research. It focuses on the basics and techniques of MATLAB language programming, MATLAB solutions to scientific computing problems, modeling of linear control systems, computer-aided analysis of control systems, simulation analysis of nonlinear systems, and computer-aided design methods of control systems.

Chapter 1 Overview of computer-aided design of control systems
01-01 Why use MATLAB language
01-02 The main structure of the course
01-03 Overview of computer-aided design methods for control systems
Chapter 2 Basics of MATLAB language programming
02-01 Basics of MATLAB language programming
02-02 MATLAB language graphics drawing methods
02-03 Graphical user interface design technology
Chapter 3 MATLAB solutions to scientific computing problems
03-01 Solutions to linear algebra problems 03-02
Solutions to algebraic equations
03-03 Solutions to differential equations
03-04 Solutions to optimization problems
Chapter 4 Mathematical models of linear control systems
04-01 Mathematical model inputs of linear continuous systems
04-02 Mathematical model inputs of linear discrete systems
04-03 Conversion between system models
04-04 Simplification of block diagram models
04-05 Model reduction of linear systems
04-06 Model identification of linear systems
Chapter 5 Computer-aided analysis of linear control systems
05-01 Qualitative analysis of linear systems
05-02 Time domain analysis of linear systems - analytical and numerical solutions
05-03 Root locus analysis of linear systems
05-04 Frequency domain analysis of linear systems
05-05 Frequency domain analysis of multivariable systems
Chapter 6 Simulation methods for nonlinear systems
06-01 Simulink modeling basics
06-02 Control system modeling and simulation
06-03 Advanced techniques of Simulink
Chapter 7 Classical design methods for control systems
07-01 Lead-lag corrector design
07-02 State space design method
07-03 Optimal controller design
07-04 Frequency domain design of multivariable systems
Chapter 8 PID controller parameter tuning
08-01 PID controller parameter tuning method
08-02 PID controller programming interface
Chapter 9 Analysis and design of fractional-order systems
09-01 Definition and calculation of fractional-order calculus
09-02 Analysis and controller design of fractional-order systems

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