[i=s]This post was last edited by chuck_pz on 2014-6-15 17:06[/i] Rhythm master, world-class, dance to the music, miracles are around you~! {:1_102:}[url=http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNzI2Mzk0MjI0.htm
I went to the simulation technology seminar yesterday and spent a day there. I liked a few chips and wanted to apply for them to play with. However, my application for samples was rejected again, sayi
I want to create a PCB parts library in protel DXP. I want to know how you know the actual size of a component is the same as the size drawn on the circuit board. In other words, can the size of my PC
I want it to run at 12Mbps! HahaI have three questions for you:1. In the device manager of the PC, the baud rate of the virtual serial port can only be set to 115200. How can I increase it?2. How can