• Duration:30 minutes and 56 seconds
  • Date:2025/02/26
  • Uploader:hi5
In today's computing environment, the power consumption of CPU/GPU is increasing. As the output current requirements continue to increase, the cost-effectiveness of using a single buck regulator for power supply is low. Multi-phase buck regulators are widely used in computing applications due to their scalability and ripple interleaving advantages, as well as excellent current transmission performance. The ACOT architecture and stackable approach can drive larger loads. This seminar mainly introduces Microchip's latest 75V two-phase buck switch controller MIC213x using the ACOT architecture, which can be stacked up to 8 phases, and the HSC control achieves ultra-fast transient response under heavy loads; typical reference solutions in high current environments will also be demonstrated. Through this seminar, you will have a comprehensive understanding of application design cases for ACOT SMPS to achieve stable output and timely response.
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