• Duration:1 minutes and 19 seconds
  • Date:2016/03/22
  • Uploader:抛砖引玉
keywords: robot automation

Amazon is not only an e-commerce giant, but also a powerful logistics company!

There is an intelligent robot in the warehouse called Kiva. As early as 2012, Amazon acquired a company called Kiva Systems for US$775 million. Its core is a logistics robot-Kiva. In 2015, the number of such robots in Amazon's major warehouses in North America increased to 10,000. The operating efficiency of the Kiva system is 2-4 times higher than that of traditional logistics operations. The robot can run 30 miles per hour with an accuracy of almost 100%.

Amazon can also enable drone delivery. At the end of 2013, Amazon launched a delivery drone called Prime Air. If the order weighs less than 5 pounds, customers can choose drone delivery. The entire process is unmanned, and drones automatically pick up items from the logistics center assembly line and fly directly to customers.

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