QX2010 application circuit
Source: InternetPublisher:D先生 Keywords: application circuit BSP processor SOUND Updated: 2021/05/13
Among Qsound 3D processors
, the oxpanden series chips are widely used, and their model is ox2010/2011.
1. QX2010
/ 2011 3D Processor Introduction
Oxzoio/2011 has two working modes, namely the direct-to-base Yanzhan mother. The spatial expansion effect of QX2011 is adjustable, and
the spatial expansion effect of oxzoio/2010 is fixed and cannot be adjusted. Figure 9-56 is a schematic diagram of sound field expansion. The 3D processor circuit
composed of ox2,010 r2,01i can be connected between the audio source device and the power amplifier. Figure 9-58 and Figure 9-59 are the application circuits
of these two chips respectively .
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