Motor drive circuit using PNP and NPN transistors
Source: InternetPublisher:containsmachine Keywords: Transistors motors drive circuits FETs Updated: 2021/03/24
For LS7261/LS7262, connect pin 5 to the aluminum positive pole of the power supply, and all six
output FETs of the circuit will become source outputs. Figure 3-1a~ Figure 3-12 show different level transfer
circuits to adapt to different power switch combinations. Figure 3-10 applies to PNP and
NPN transistor combination circuits, and only one bridge arm is shown here. It uses V. For
level transfer, when the output of pin 2 is high level, V. Conducted, through the support to V. The tube provides
base drive current, making v. conduction. If pin 2 is low level, v. The tube is cut off, and
V is caused by the action of R. Quick cutoff. V: The tube is connected with a follower, and V is controlled by pin 6. On or
off. If the motor uses a higher voltage, R. and R, the power consumption will be very large. At this time,
it is necessary to connect the acceleration capacitor on R, and the protection diode on the e and b poles of V.
The high power dissipation of the resistor is the disadvantage of this circuit. Figure 3-11 uses P-channel and N-channel
FETs. This problem is solved. However, the on-state resistance of P-channel FET is larger than that of N-channel
FET . The higher on-state resistance reduces the switching speed, increases losses,
reduces efficiency, and reduces reliability.
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