Use SH-803R to make high-power holiday lights
Source: InternetPublisher:aytwartoofyoroo Keywords: High power colored lights LED TI Updated: 2020/08/04
The 22,0v alternating current supplies power to the lanterns H1-H4 through the thyristors VSl~VS4. On the other hand, it is stepped down by the transformer T,
rectified by VDI~VD4, stabilized by VD5 and filtered by Cl to output a DC voltage of about 4,7V. Manifold A uses electricity. Rl
provides synchronization signals for the integrated block. Pins 12~15 of the integrated block drive high-power silicon controlled thyristors VSl~VS4 through transistors V TI - VT4 .
To achieve the purpose of controlling lanterns HI-H4. If pin 12 outputs a high level at a certain moment, VTI is forward
biased and turned on by resistor R4. At this time, the output current of the VDl~VD4 rectifier bridge passes through the second anode of the thyristor VS1 and passes through the gate LED l-- V TI
forms a loop with the 12V positive power supply, so VSI is turned on and lamp H1 lights up indigo. When pins 12~15 output
various waveform trigger pulses according to the internal program of the chip, H1~H4 will flash according to the pattern specified by the program. LEDl~ LED4 will flash synchronously with the colored lights HI~H4
for work instructions.
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