AD693 functional schematic diagram
Source: InternetPublisher:红水杯 Keywords: AD BSP MDASH Updated: 2020/05/06
AD693 is a voltage-4-20mA current transducer with preset 30-60mV input, 100nRTD input, 4~20mA, O~20rnA non-polar output, and
12t18mA bipolar output.
AD694 is a voltage-4~20mA current transducer with preset 0-2V, O~IOV input, 4~20mA, O~20mA output, and 2.000,
10.OOOV precision reference voltage source. The working power supply is +4.5~+36V. The functional block diagram of the internal circuit
of AD 693/694 is as shown in the figure
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