Working principle diagram of RS flip-flop
Source: InternetPublisher:清宁时光 Keywords: RS flip-flop BSP Updated: 2021/04/02
Shown is a diagram showing the working principle of the RS flip-flop . When the switch is neither at the S end nor the R end, the output end of the flip-flop
is undefined. When the switch is set to one side, it determines the output of the flip-flop. For example, when the switch is placed at the S terminal, the S terminal is low level (ground).
The R terminal is high level, and the input of NAND gate ① is low level. The input of NAND gate ② is high level. In this way, the Q terminal output of the flip-flop is
high level, and the Q terminal output is low level.
If the input switch is placed at the R terminal, the flip-flop will reverse, the Q terminal becomes low level, and the Q terminal becomes high level.
It can be seen that the input terminals R and S can neither be high level nor low level at the same time. There are only two conditions, one of which
is high level and the other is low level , then the flip-flop There must also be signals with opposite states at both ends of Q and Q.
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