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  • (3-3)Gradient Descent (Demo by Minecraft)
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  • Duration:1 minutes and 40 seconds
  • Date:2019/03/22
  • Uploader:木犯001号

The machine learning course taught by the well-received teacher Li Hongyi of National Taiwan University is also one of the very rare courses of this kind to be taught in Chinese. Friends who are not good at foreign languages ​​are in luck. The course focuses on deep learning and emphasizes practicality. In addition to the explanation of basic knowledge and algorithms, it also includes the interpretation of various related cutting-edge technologies. The projects involved in the course are very new and keep pace with the times.

Teacher Li's lectures focus on explaining the basic principles in a simple and easy-to-understand manner. He is humorous and easy to understand. He often uses animation images to explain the principles by analogy. It is really a breath of fresh air in machine learning tutorials~

The reprinted video is for communication and learning only. The original address of the reprint is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXgbekl66jc&list=PLJV_el3uVTsPy9oCRY30oBPNLCo89yu49
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