I use the st usb library, but I don't know how to detect the completion of the transmission? Now I usewhile(GetEPTxStatus(ENDP1) != EP_TX_NAK);but in some cases this judgment does not work. Now I can
[size=3][size=3]Xi'an Seven-axis Robot Arm Application and Programming Competition[/size] [size=3] Three-degree-of-freedom Robot Arm Seven-axis Intelligent Robot Arm Intelligent Car Robot Arm Mechanic
Question: How to connect the serial port of ARM board to GSM module? Both ARM board and GSM module have female connectors. Is it enough to buy a cable with male connectors at both ends? I bought a GSM
Altera Quartus II 14.1 uses DSE to optimize Quartus II design : https://training.eeworld.com.cn/course/2050Watch this demonstration to learn how you can use DSE to optimize your Quartus II design for